

L'accesso vascolare: trends e outcomes associati


Figura 1 di 24.

Figura 2 di 24.

Figura 3 di 24.

Figura 4 di 24.

Figura 5 di 24.

Figura 6 di 24.

Figura 7 di 24.

Recently, we have analysed vascular access as a facility practice, and have found that a patients mortality risk is 21% higher for every 20% greater CATHETER use in the dialysis facility compared with AV fistula use.

Furthermore, a patients mortality risk was found to be 11% higher for every 20% greater GRAFT use in the dialysis facility.

These analyses were adjusted for patient demographics, baseline comorbidity, single pool Kt/V, and serum calcium and phosphorus levels.

Figura 8 di 24.

DOPPS 2: Also saw 19% higher RR of septicemia per 10% greater facility catheter use (p<0.0001)

Values for Spain:

Septicemia Rate (per 100 patient years) = 3.17 (DOPPS 2) vs. 4.03 (DOPPS 3) which is a 27% increase

Country Catheter Use = 11.1% (DOPPS 2) vs. 20.6% (DOPPPS 3)

DOPPS 2 notes:

In DOPPS 2, we have seen that Japan displays the LOWEST rate of septicemia among all the countries in DOPPS.

In fact, the septicemia rate in Japan is 20-50 fold LOWER than that in the US, Canada, Sweden, and Belgium, and these countries have some of the highest catheter use in all of DOPPS.

A recent US study has found it to cost $24,024 (~2,400,000 yen) to treat a patient with septicemia when requiring hospitalization.

Certainly, there are other factors which impact rates of septicemia.  However, these DOPPS results strongly suggest that the excellent vascular access practice of low catheter use in Japan may be a very important factor resulting in low rates of septicemia, which not only is associated with better outcomes for patients but also provides a large cost savings to the National Health System.

Figura 9 di 24.

These are the individual diabetes management practices adjusted risks for all-cause mortality as having any routine vs no routine

As you see patients from facilities that report as having a routine for all of these practices has significantly lower risk for mortality compared to patients from facilitys with no routine

Compared to facilitys with primary diabetes physician as primary care physician, facilitys with nephrologist or endocrinologist have significantly lower mortality risk with hazard ratio of 0.69 and p-value 0.03.

The practices that were not significant are hemoglobin A1c and also cardiovascular disease screening that was not shown here 

Figura 10 di 24.

Figure 1: Case-mix adjusted mortality hazard ratio (HR) for HD patients in the US versus

Europe (EUR), with and without adjustment for differences in facility vascular access use.

The HR of mortality for HD patients in the US versus EUR (n=24,398) stratified by study phase

is shown after different levels of adjustment: unadjusted; adjusted for patient age, sex, black

race, number of years with ESRD, body weight, 14 summary comorbid conditions, whether

treated in a hospital-based unit, and facility median treatment time, facility % patients with

serum phosphorus >5.5 mg/dl, and facility % patients with serum calcium >10 mg/dl.; and,

further adjusted for % facility vascular access use plus the previous 23 adjustments. All models

accounted for facility clustering effects. EUR refers to France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the

UK. Data source: Pisoni et al.6

Figura 11 di 24.

Figura 12 di 24.

Figura 13 di 24.

Figura 14 di 24.

Figura 15 di 24.

Figura 16 di 24.

Figura 17 di 24.

Figura 18 di 24.

Figura 19 di 24.

Figura 20 di 24.

Notes: Init_frn = 0, vintage > 90 days not on catheter

Figura 21 di 24.

Excluding Japan, overall HR=1.21 (1.05-1.40)

Figura 22 di 24.

Figura 23 di 24.

Figura 24 di 24.

release  1
pubblicata il  12 marzo 2013 
da F. Tentori
((Ann Arbor, USA))
Parole chiave: dopps
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Realizzazione: Tesi S.p.A.

Per assistenza contattare: Claudia Ingrassia, Tesi S.p.A.
0172 476301 — claudia.ingrassia@gruppotesi.com