
Nefrologia clinica


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INTRODUCTION. The purpose of this study was to evaluate in outpatients with different degree of CKD the prevalence of malnutrition (m) and modifications in the time using a novel score. METHODS:160 patients (p) with CKD at free diet were divided according to GFR calculated from MDRD: stage II n=23 (M 15 F 8 mean age 60±19 yrs); stage III n=69 (M 45 F 24 mean age 63±15 yrs); stage IV n=57 (M 36 F 21 mean age 71±16 yrs); stage V n=11 (M 7 F 4 mean age 70±10 yrs). For each p we considered: age, heart disease, C-reactive protein, albumin, lymphocytes, cholesterol, BMI, SGA and analysis of body composition derived from BIA: PA, FM, FFM, BCM, BCMI. The score used in this study is shown in table 1.

P were followed-up from at least 1 to 3 years.

RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS. At baseline, according to m score, the prevalence of m was: Score=0: stage II=35%, stage III=20%, stage IV=2%, stage V=0%; Score=1: stage II=43%, stage III=32%, stage IV=19%, stage V=9%; Score=2: stage II=9%, stage III=15%, stage IV=18%, stage V=9%; Score=3: stage II=4%, stage III=16%, stage IV=26%, stage V=36%; Score=4: stage II=9%, stage III=17%, stage IV=35%, stage V=46%. The percentage of subjects with CRP >1 were: stage II 13%, stage III 14%, stage IV 28%, stage V 36% with an high prevalence of cardiovascular disease. At the end of the follow up the prevalence of p with normal nutritional status and at risk of m decreased in all groups, mainly in IV and V stage, increasing the prevalence of p with light, moderate and severe m (p<.01) over time. Our results confirm the high prevalence of m in outpatients with CKD, with a high percentage of p at risk of m in stage II; our m score has proved to be an useful, simple and valid tool to identify not only malnourished patients but also those at risk of m.

M. Chiappini(1), T. Ammann(1), A. Grosso(1), P. Pasqualetti(2)
((1)U.o. Di Nefrologia E Dialisi, Afar Crccs, Fbf S.giovanni Calibita Roma , (2)Statistica Medica E Tecnologia Informatica, Fbf Associazione Per La Ricerca Roma )
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Per assistenza contattare: Claudia Ingrassia, Tesi S.p.A.
0172 476301 — claudia.ingrassia@gruppotesi.com