
Dialisi Peritoneale

A singular case of drop out in peritoneal dialysis patient

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We report a case of  patient with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), receiving peritoneal dialysis, who showed ultrafiltration failure caused by rare pseudomixoma peritonei.

Casistica e Metodi

A caucasian fifty-years-old woman underwent  peritoneal dialysis because of ESRD in renal hypoplasia.

After three years, she had difficult and incomplete discharge due to the presence of mucous material and  fibrinoid else  in the effluent.

The abdominal CT scan detected, in internal iliac artery right pelvis region, a lightly hyperdense alteration (25UH) compared to the remaining intraperitoneal  liquid, with maximum diameter of 9x10 cm, apparently encapsulated , to report in the first hypothesis as a lot of fluid collection.  (  Figure 1 ). Clinical suspect  was for a ovarian tumor.

Major tumor markers  were negative, except CEA ( 106.2 ng./ml, NV <5).

A trans-vaginal ultrasound exam detected: -in the right annex , the presence  of swelling complex irregular margins with mixed echogenicity  12x9.7 cm, - in the left annex, solid neoplasm  6.5x3.7 cm.  hyperchoic  central located.

A diagnostic laparoscopy was performed and  histological examination of mucinous sample detected pseudomyxoma peritoneal with small fragments of mucinous borderline tumor.

The patient underwent  a mini-laparotomy  with removal of material mucinous, intra-abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, appendectomy , pelvic peritonectomy, total  omentectomy , gastrocolic total removal epiplon sigma , selective bilateral obturator lymph node dissection .


Five years later abdomen  is negative for intra peritoneal liquid and   tumors.


Pseudomyxoma  peritonei represents a rare neoplastic condiction characterized by the collection of copious amounts of mucoid intraperitoneal  fluid with mucin-secreting tumor implants spreading  extensively along the peritoneal surface. It occurs more frequently  in females than males.

The most common tumor origin of pseudomixoma  peritonei is a mucinous tumor of the appendix.  Other sites include the ovary, pancreas, and intestine.

Cecchetti E.(1), Scorzoni D.(2) , Tettamanzi F.M.(1)
((1)Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, (2)Cardiology Unit. “ G. Galmarini” Hospital Tradate ( Varese, Italy).)
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