
BRUNO MEMOLI - Young Investigator Award (YIA)



Background and Aim

It is commonly thought that there are higher rates of failure and death in patients who transfer from hemodialysis (HD) to peritoneal dialysis (PD). The risk of failure and death is higher with in the initial year after the switch to PD. Several mechanisms have been proposed such as more rapid loss of residual renal function and more frequent presence of comorbidities responsible for impossibility to continue HD. The latter factorr may make more vulnerable the patients switched to PD.

In the present study the impact of transfer from HD to PD on survival and dialysis efficiency has been evaluated in patients unable to continue HD treatment because of vascular access exhaustion.

Patients and Methods

Patients switched to PD from HD were selected amongst patients followed-up by a single nephrology unit. The mean cause of switch was vascular access exhaustion. Clinical history and biochemistry were recorded at baseline and during follow-up. Dialysis efficiency was evaluated as for standard clinical practice methods. Fatal and not fatal events were registered.


Amongst n.65 patients n.12 patients were evaluated. These patients had been swithched from HD to PD because of vascular access exhaustion. Clinical characteristics were summarized in Table 1:

Gender (M/F) 7/5
Mean Age (years) 57 ± 7
Mean Vintage HD (years) 8.2 ± 7.1
Vintage Range of PD (years)


Continuous tidal peritoneal dialysis (n°)

Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (n°)



Transplant Patients (n°)


Dead Patients (n°) 1


The data of present study suggest that efficiency of PD is maintained even in patients who had been switched from HD. The higher mortality rate that has been reported by Others during the first year from the switch has not been confirmed by our long term follow-up.

release  1
pubblicata il  03 maggio 2016 
da Argentino G, Russo R, Memoli A, Maresca I, Sannino G, Russo D
(DAI di Chirurgie Specialistiche, Nefrologia, UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI NAPOLI FEDERICO II)
Parole chiave: dialisi peritoneale
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